Muvakapfura nenyunje michinamashandiro atakamboona, izvo zvekutsvagisa zvinhu ndizvo zvinoshanda musimboti nemidziyo yemuchina wekupfura muchina, kugadzirisa kwezuva nezuva uye mamwe mapoinzi akakosha, saka iyo inotonhorera kutenderera sisitimu yepfuti yekuputika muchina ichave yakanatswa uye Yekutsvagisisa, iyo inotevera mupepeti ichabatanidza michina yemidziyo.
Zvakajairika paramende data rekupfura nenyunje muchina:
Ukobvu hwendiro yesimbi ndeye 600 ~ 1200mm, yepakutanga kupfura blasting huwandu ndeye 3400KG, huwandu hwekupfura zvigadzirwa zvekupfura ingangoita 7 ~ 13, kumhanya kwepfuti yekuputika mudziyo ndeye 1500 ~ 2500 shanduko, uye simba rekubuda kweiyovakapfura nenyunje michinais 90 / KW.
1. IyoPfura nenyunje muchinaichaburitsa centrifugal simba uye rakapesana simba kana ichitenderera nepamhanyisa mhanyisa. Nenzira chete iyi ndipo panogona kuwedzerwa kumhanya kwepfuti kuenda kuhurumende, iyo inobatsira kuumbwa kwemhepo inoyerera pasi pechimhanyisa-kutenderera kutenderera, kuitira kuti pamusoro peiyo yesimbi workpiece inogona kuwana nhanho yekudzivirira kweiyo oxidation.
2.When the vakapfura nenyunje michinathrows the metal material layer, it is to clean up the rusty iron and oxide layer on the surface of the workpiece. It will enter the transportation room through the bottom of the vakapfura nenyunje michinafor lifting, and the lifter will automatically send the shot material after it is separated. In the recycling system of the Pfura nenyunje muchina, waste is recycled to reduce labor costs.
3.Because the Pfura nenyunje muchina adopts a fully enclosed mode, the workpiece Pfura nenyunje muchina produces a strong impact effect during high-speed operation, and will be worn to a certain extent by the outside of the Pfura nenyunje muchina itself, so the equipment will be equipped with a cleaning room inside. The dust and debris left behind during the Pfura nenyunje muchina are well treated.